
How to name your google project IAM resources in Terraform

16 Dec, 2021
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Naming Terraform resources is quite a challenge. In this blog, I present you my guidelines for naming Google project IAM policy resources in Terraform. As you know, Google IAM resources in Terraform come in three flavors:

naming convention for google_project_iam_policy

This IAM policy for a Google project is a singleton. Choose a name which reflects this, we recommend to use default:

resource "google_project_iam_policy" "default" {
   policy_data = ...

naming convention for google_project_iam_binding

The name for a google_project_iam_binding is the name of the role, minus the roles prefix and converted to snake case. For instance:

resource "google_project_iam_binding" "iap_tunnel_resource_accessor" {
   role    = "roles/iap.tunnelResourceAccessor"
   members = [

As a google_project_iam_binding is always for a specific role, the roles prefix does not add any information.

naming convention for google_project_iam_member

The name for a google_project_iam_member is the name of the principal, converted to snake case. The following table shows a number of examples:

principalresource name

If there is a name space conflict, prefix the type name. For instance if there is a user admin and a service account with the same name, use user_admin and service_account_admin. Furthermore, we use the for_each construct to bind the roles to minimizes clutter. as shown in the examples below:

resource "google_project_iam_member" "mark_van_holsteijn_binx_io" {
   for_each = toset([ 

   member = ""
   role   = each.key

resource "google_project_iam_member" "iap_accessor" {
   for_each = toset([ 
   member = ""
   role   = each.key

As a google_project_iam_member is always for a specific principal, it is nice to have the name of the principal as identifier for the resource.

naming convention for a single google_project_iam_member

If you want to specify a single member binding, you use the name of the principal followed by the role name converted to snake case. For instance:

resource "google_project_iam_member" "iap_accessor_iap_tunnel_resource_accessor" {
   member = ""
   role   = "roles/iap.tunnelResourceAccessor"

We recommend against this form, as it is very verbose. Furthermore, it is highly unlikely that a principal will only need to be bound to a single role.

Which resource to use?

So, which resource do you use in practice? Of course, the google_project_iam_policy is the most secure and definite specification. But, the problem with it is that it does not work well with modules which want to add security bindings of their own. The same problem may occurs to a lesser extend with the google_project_iam_binding. Therefore, we recommend to use the resource google_project_iam_member to define the google IAM policies in your project.


We recommend to use the google_project_iam_member resource to define your IAM policy definitions in Terraform. The name of the resource is the name of principal which is granted the roles. The roles are bound using the for_each construct.

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Mark van Holsteijn
Mark van Holsteijn is a senior software systems architect at Xebia Cloud-native solutions. He is passionate about removing waste in the software delivery process and keeping things clear and simple.

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