
Config Connector, a new approach to Infrastructure as Code

07 Dec, 2022
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Infrastructure as Code (IaC) helps "cloud native" companies manage their infrastructure based on the principles of software engineering. A wide range of IaC tools and frameworks facilitate in updating the cloud infrastructure. Config Connector is the latest member of this family and brings a new approach based on the power of Kubernetes. In this blog post we outline how it works compared to other tools.

As companies expand their infrastructure, creating and enforcing consistent configurations and security policies across a growing environment becomes difficult and creates friction. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) helps solve this by automating through code the configuration and provisioning of resources, so that human error is eliminated, time is saved, and every step is fully documented.

IaC applies software engineering practices to infrastructure and brings the same benefits to infrastructure :

  1. Automate: Commit, version, trace, deploy, and collaborate, just like source code.
  2. Declarative: Specify the desired state of infrastructure, not updates
  3. Roll back: Roll out and roll back changes just like a regular application
  4. Validate: Assess desired state vs. current state infrastructure
  5. Scale: Build reusable infrastructure blocks across an organization

    Iac Tool landscape

    Over the years there’s been an explosion in infrastructure platforms and application frameworks that form the foundation of “cloud native.” The most popular are listed in the table below.

    TypeImmutableDeclarativeLanguageGoogle Cloud Support
    TerraformProvisioningYesYesHCLYes (*)
    Config ConnectorProvisioningYesYesYAML/KRMYes
    PulumiProvisioningYesYesJS, TS, Python, …
    AnsibleConfig mgmtYAML
    ChefConfig mgmtRuby

    (*) Support cases can be opened for Google Cloud resources managed via the Google provider.

    Config Connector

    Tools like Terraform and Pulumi let admins declare infrastructure in code. But code does not establish a strong contract between desired and current state, and every time code is modified or refactored, a procedural or imperative approach (think: plan/apply step) is required to revalidate the state.

Bring in Kubernetes.

Controllers are the core of Kubernetes. It’s a controller’s job to ensure that, for any given object, the actual state of the world matches the desired state in the object.

Config Connector extends the Kubernetes Resource Model with Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) for GCP services and resources.
When you install Config Connector on a Kubernetes cluster, a CRD is defined for every service and resource in GCP :

➜ kubectl get crd --namespace cnrm-system
NAME                                                                               CREATED AT        2022-11-29T07:41:51Z      2022-11-29T07:41:51Z   2022-11-29T07:41:51Z                                    2022-11-29T07:41:51Z                                   2022-11-29T07:41:51Z                2022-11-29T07:41:51Z                                                    2022-11-25T13:06:26Z                                    2022-11-29T07:41:51Z                                        2022-11-29T07:41:52Z                                      2022-11-29T07:41:52Z                                 2022-11-29T07:41:52Z                                  2022-11-29T07:41:52Z                                   2022-11-29T07:41:52Z                                      2022-11-29T07:41:52Z                         2022-11-29T07:41:52Z             2022-11-29T07:41:52Z              2022-11-29T07:41:52Z                                       2022-11-25T13:05:36Z                                2022-11-29T07:41:52Z

Admins can now define the desired state of the infrastructure as objects in the Kubernetes etcd database using the Config Connector CRDs. The Config Connector operator defines a controller for every CRD that will reconcile the actual state of the infrastructure with the desired state of the objects in the Kubernetes etcd database as defined by the admins.

Config Connector operator translates desired declarative state to imperative API calls.

Config Connector architecture


Let’s say we want to create a pubsub topic.

First we need to enable the pubsub api on our project. Based on the ServiceUsage CRD, we can create a YAML file that declares that the service is enabled :

kind: Service
    external: projects/my-project-id

Store this YAML file as pubsub-service.yaml and apply it to your Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl apply -f pubsub-service.yaml

Now that the pubsub service is enabled, let’s create a topic. Based on the PubSubTopic CRD, below YAML file pubsub-topic.yaml declares a new pubsub topic :

kind: PubSubTopic
annotations: my-project-id
    managed: configconnector
name: cc-managed-topic

And apply the file again :

kubectl apply -f pubsub-topic.yaml

Head over to your GCP console and verify that a pubsub topic called cc-managed-topic is actually created. Congratulations, you have declared your configuration as data !

But now for the beauty of Kubernetes and continuous reconciliation …

Delete the pubsub topic manually from your project. The pubsubtopic-controller will detect that the actual state is no longer inline with the desired state and will start taking remediation action. Wait a couple of seconds and … Kubernetes will recreate the topic you manually deleted ! And there was no procedural/imperative step required.

Check the events on the pubsub object to verify what happened :

Kubernetes CRD reconcile events


With Google Config Connector we can move to a truly declarative approach for infrastructure using Configuration as Data by harnessing the power of Kubernetes.

While Config Connector was released by Google for GCP, we see an adoption of the same principles by other Cloud providers. Microsoft Azure released Azure Service Operator and AWS is building around AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK).

And then there is Crossplane that aims to bring a universal control plane to enable platform teams to assemble infrastructure from multiple vendors.

Is this the new industry trend ? Let’s see what the future brings. logo


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