eBook Cloud-Native Software Development

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 Very few projects do not involve the cloud, requiring expertise in both software development and cloud engineering. To better understand how these roles overlap and gain insight into how they will evolve, three experts and two international organizations share their experiences with cloud-native software development.

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ebook cloud-native software development

“To enter the Chinese market with our Mendix Cloud, we relied on the strong consultancy services of Binx.io and Xebia to establish a scalable solution based on local Chinese technology. Without the help of Binx.io and Xebia, we would not been able to develop a solution of this quality in so little time.”

Maarten Smeets VP R&D Cloud Deployment & Operations

In this eBook, various experts share their experiences. Luca Cavallin and Maarten Baijs, Binx cloud engineers, and Léon Rodenburg, Xebia software consultant/Alibaba Cloud MVP, discuss the benefits of cloud-native software development over traditional software development. Maarten Smeets from Mendix share how he leaded the way to establish the Mendix Cloud in China, while Thorsten Lampe discusses how he grew online distribution platform Asellion from within Covestro.

Key Take-Aways

  • learn what cloud-native software development is
  • understand the key differences between software development and cloud engineering
  • be familiar with common implementation obstacles
  • be able to indicate the competitive advantages of cloud-native software development

Cloud-Native Software Engineering

The Real Deal

Check out some of our recent work in the field of cloud engineering and cloud-native software development.